Expositional commentary on Scripture using an inductive exegetical methodology intent upon confronting the lives of Christians with the dogmatic Truths of God's inspired Words
opposing Calvinism and Arminianism, Biblical commentary, doctrine of grace enablement, understanding holiness and wisdom and selfishness, in-depth Bible studies, adult Bible Study books and Sunday School materials
Dr. Lance T. Ketchum
Dr. Lance Ketchum's book Parenting a Soul is a terrific resource for pastors, parents, and parishioners. A journey through this book will lead the reader to the basic principles of the family in nation of Israel and lead the reader to the important role of the family in our world today.
Parenting a Soul goes deep in explaining the heart and mental makeup of children, and how parents can train up these children. There are great illustrations and practical principles throughout the book to help a person apply the truths found therein. I would truly recommend this book to those with families and anyone who is seeking to influence children for Christ.
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