Expositional commentary on Scripture using an inductive exegetical methodology intent upon confronting the lives of Christians with the dogmatic Truths of God's inspired Words opposing Calvinism and Arminianism, Biblical commentary, doctrine of grace enablement, understanding holiness and wisdom and selfishness, in-depth Bible studies, adult Bible Study books and Sunday School materials Dr. Lance T. Ketchum Line Upon Line: Five New Chapters in Romans Commentary

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Five New Chapters in Romans Commentary

Five new chapters in the commentary on Romans are put up in PDF.

The link to the various chapters in the commentary is below:
Dr. Ketchum's Commentary on the Book of Romans

These five new chapters are all on Romans chapter 9:1-24.

The links are below:
Understanding Election from the Old Testament
The Seven Folds of the Abrahamic Covenant
“Who are Israelites”: Statement of Fact, Not a Question of Reality
That the Purpose of God According to Election Might Stand
Is there unrighteousness with God?

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Numerous studies and series are available free of charge for local churches at:

Dr. Lance Ketchum serves the Lord as a Church Planter, Evangelist/Revivalist.
He has served the Lord for over 40 years.


@Davesbytes said...

None of the links work.

Lance said...

These chapters are being put back up on the new web site in PDF for download. The link is below:

It will take some time to get these all back up.
Do you have a particular chapter you want?